Remember when you used to desperately wish for the weekend to be longer? Well, you finally got it. How are you liking your answered prayer so far? If you’re stuck at home because of the enforced community quarantine in your area, you’re probably running out of things to do. So how about starting a house demolition DIY project in your place in Sydney, Australia?  

The year 2020 spared no reservation when it came to surprising us with big news. You could even say that it has outdone itself and now, we just want the curtains to be closed. We’ve seen enough; can we move on to 2021 now? 

The first two quarters of the year were tough. By the end of last year, we’ve received tragic news halfway across the globe. A terrible virus has been spreading in mainland China, causing fear and panic amongst its citizens. Little did we know that by the time the year came to a close, the Coronavirus had already made it past its borders. It’s an invisible enemy that threatens the welfare of families worldwide. For this very reason, humankind is left with no other choice but to retreat to the confines of their home. 

If your neighbourhood is one of the first few areas in Sydney, Australia to have undergone community quarantine, then you may be reaching your limits already. If you’re the type of person who’s outgoing and extroverted, this quarantine period may feel like you’re missing out on some big things in life. 

Well, not to worry. There are certain activities you can enjoy even when you’re stuck in your humble abode. Consider yourself blessed to be able to stay safe during this most dangerous time. If you want to stay productive, why not pick up some projects you weren’t able to do in the past because of time constrictions? Like home demolition, for instance.

House Demolition As A DIY Project?

As for the demolition process, you certainly can’t do it yourself – although you can check out demolition tutorial videos to get a better idea about how it’s done. You’ll need professional help for that. Luckily for you, there are a number of trustworthy demolition companies in Sydney, Australia. We’re also not suggesting that you bulldoze your entire house just because you’re getting bored. 

However, what comes after, the home renovation project, is something that you can definitely commit your time to during this quarantine period. If you’re itching to get some work done, start a DIY house revamping project. It’s far better than getting impatient and risking yourself by going out. Get on the phone with a demolition contractor near you and start discussing your plans now.

From Home Demolition To Extension

One particular home DIY project that would require home demolition is getting a room extension. Maybe you want an additional room or you want a bigger kitchen, but whatever the case is, you would need expert help to tear those walls down cleanly to start renovating. 

Before you start contacting a demolition company, make sure that you draw out your plans carefully. This will help the home demolition company you hire to understand the objective of your house DIY project. As for rebuilding, you may want to get in touch with the contractor to get their professional opinion too.

If you’re thinking of demolishing your house for other purposes (e.g. refurbishing before you sell it), you may want to consider demolition costs. Feel free to get in touch with us for FREE home demolition advice as well as to discuss costs involved.

Why choose us ?

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Over 20+ years experience in the Home demolition industry, the right team, expertise and experience to get your job done.
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All our machinery meets high-quality standards and is regularly serviced and maintained. This ensures all our jobs run smoothly.
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At Atlas Home Demolition Group we focus on customer satisfaction, we make sure the job is done right on time and in budget.


Years of




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If you need demolition, then get in contact with us today. Call (02) 8102 3648. We’ll give you an obligation free quote and work with you to find the solution that best fits your budget and time frame.

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